Komunikabideentzako analitika digitaleko kontsultoria lanak

Behategiak audientzia aztertzeko kontsultoria lanak egin ditu Innovation Media Consulting enpresa gidatzen ari den egitasmo piloturako. Aiurri eta Gaztezulo komunikabideak dira pilotaje horretan parte hartzen ari diren biak eta egindako diagnositik, azterketa kritikotik eta ondorioetatik eratorriko diren aholkuak sektore osoari luzatuko dizkio IMC-k, EAEko administrazioaren eta sektorearen artean osatutako Hedabideen mahaiak enkargaturiko lanean (ikus Hekimenen…

We published the Basque Media Yearbook 2023-2024

(read English version here)   On an annual basis, the Basque Media Observatory publishes this book, which includes research works, projects and highlights related to media and communication in basque language. Among these fourteen articles are some of the main issues that will be on the agenda in the year we have just begun.  …

Media switches to Google Analytics 4

A year ago Google announced that they would shut down its Universal Analytics traffic meter in July 2023, along with the launch of a new version: GA4. Basque media websites, except Argia magazine, have been immersed in this transition in recent months, in collaboration with the BEHA project developed by us. Almost two years have…

Yearbook articles in English with automatic translation

The articles of the Basque Media Yearbooks have been translated into English by automatic translator Elia. In collaboration with Elhuyar, we have used the tool developed by them to distribute globally dozens of articles published over the years around the Basque communication space. The works have been codified one by one to html, so they…

28 media in digital analytics training sessions

Within the activities of updating the digital measurement of the communication space in Basque that we are promoting within the BEHA project, the training section has also begun. We have prepared a first round in which 28 media have registered and in which more than 50 people have participated. These sessions, organized in May and…

Summer course: measuring digital audiences

How to measure digital audiences efficiently? What steps are being taken to deal with the changes in this area? The need to know and analyze digital media consumption in Basque puts us in the perspective of agreed audiometric systems. Through this Summer Course, starting from the scope of Basque digital audiences, a first and comprehensive…