Urtekariaren hamargarren alea plazaratu dugu

Euskarazko komunikazioaren eta hedabideen alorrean 2024ak emandako ikerketa, analisi eta proiektu aipagarriak jasotzen ditu argitalpenak eta 2025era ere begira jarri da, urte garrantzitsua izango baita hau, besteren artean, EAEko hedabideen dirulaguntza deialdiaren eredu berria lantzen ari baitira administrazioa eta sektorea. Horretan sakontzen du Igor Astibia Hekimeneko zuzendariak bere aurtengo artikuluan, elkartearen jarduera nagusia hori izaten…

New tool to measure the digital audience of the media is in the process of being launched

To date, digital traffic on Basque media websites has been measured exclusively through BEHA (GA4) and Matomo panels. They were also preceded by the Hekimen Analytics tool, which allowed the collection of aggregated data, but stopped taking measurements with the appearance of the GA4 system. After spending the whole year developing a new model that…

Our BEHA 3.0 project has been approved

The BEHA 3.0 project receives subsidy from the call Citizenship of the Euroregion. Therefore, we will continue with the path of promoting data culture in the Basque media, delving into digital analytics, so that the collection and analysis of data can be a helpful handle for decision-making. This project has the support of UPV/EHU, Hekimen…

Digital analytics consulting jobs for media

The Observatory has carried out consultancy work to study the audience for the pilot project led by Innovation Media Consulting. The media Aiurri and Gaztezulo are the two involved in this piloting and the IMC will transfer to the whole sector the recommendations derived from the diagnosis, critical analysis and conclusions thereof, in a work…

Media switches to Google Analytics 4

A year ago Google announced that they would shut down its Universal Analytics traffic meter in July 2023, along with the launch of a new version: GA4. Basque media websites, except Argia magazine, have been immersed in this transition in recent months, in collaboration with the BEHA project developed by us. Almost two years have…