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Yearbook 2024-25 | Ane Martinez Juez, Josu Amezaga Albizu (NOR Ikerketa Taldea, UPV/EHU eta Euskal Hedabideen Behategia)

This research1 presents a diagnostic approach to the culture of data in the basque media and the identification of the variables that influence its integration into work routines. It is assumed that the media has had access to the tools offered by the Observatory for daily digital analysis for a year (2023). A survey of the members of the initiative has been carried out and five in-depth interviews have been conducted with some of them.


At a time when information is becoming increasingly important in the digital context, data has become a precious resource in informed decision-making processes. This research makes a diagnosis of the internal data culture of the Basque media, especially understanding how employees use data about digital traffic, focusing on its impact on decision making.

This research is part of a line of research aimed at promoting a data culture in the Basque media (BEHA2) and is therefore in line with its overall objective: to bring about changes in the organization and methodology of media templates in data-driven decision-making. The general project is collaborating with the 60 Basque language communication projects of the association Hekimae. Within this broader context, this research work focuses on the initial step of this process, making a quantitative and qualitative diagnosis of the situation of the culture of data among the Basque media.

In addition, the first version of this research was presented as a Master’s Thesis in the Master’s Degree in Social Communication of the University of the Basque Country in July 2024 and received the Honorary Enrolment.


This project aims to promote the culture of data and the use of digital analytics in the Basque media, for which the first steps have already been taken through the different phases of the BEHA project of the research space Behategia. First, BEHA 1.02 carried out a qualitative diagnosis based on a sample of eight Basque media, in addition to the first approach to web analytics, proposing a common measurement system for Basque media. In BEHA 2.03, this system was extended to 55 Hinitiative-based media outlets, which laid the groundwork for systematic tracking of website audiences and other digital indicators using tools such as Google Analytics 4 and Looker Data Studio.

Currently, the Observatory is developing a global panel called Analytics, in which the data of all the Basque media will be reflected in the metrics, among which the data of websites, social networks, applications and newsletters will be aggregated monthly. This panel will serve two main purposes: on the one hand, it will offer the Basque media the opportunity to situate their situation in a broader context, and on the other, it will form a deeper and more diverse basis for research, opening the way to a comprehensive diagnosis of the entire digital environment of the Basque media.

However, today, most Basque media operate in a completely undeveloped analytic landscape. As pointed out by Lamot and Paulussen (2020) and Mimenza (2023), the inclusion of audience analysis in the daily activity of the media is conditioned by the particular context. In the case of the Basque media, despite the availability of analytical tools, the systematic practice of data-based decisions has not yet taken root, while attempts to adapt to a changing digital environment are scarce or weak (Mimenza, 2023: 72).

However, in recent years, several advances have been made in the integration of digital analytics in newsrooms. In recent times, courses and seminars have been organized from the Observatory to elaborate the formation and composition of the strategic plan on digital analytics, with the aim of socializing the culture of data in the media and deepening the pedagogy of this knowledge. To this must be added the training carried out by each of the media on its own.


The main objective of this research work is to understand the use of information related to their media by the Basque media personnel of Hekimen for internal decision-making.

    1. The research question: What is the current state of data culture in Basque media?
    2. The research question: Why are they in this situation?


The methodology of this study is based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative design. After a systematized bibliographic review, a quantitative diagnosis has been made through a survey. This survey has been designed to quantify different aspects of data culture, such as the frequency of use of the BEHA panel and the existence of specific analytical plans to work with data. The survey was sent to the 60 Basque media participating in the project and 43 media participated.

However, the backbone of this study is qualitative. This methodological selection is based on the need for a deep understanding of perceptions, practices and challenges related to data management in this specific context. A total of five interviews have been conducted with staff from five media outlets, and although the main objective has not been to seek representativeness, the diversity of media outlets has been taken into account as a selection criterion. Information received from participants has been processed using Nvivo 14 software (Lumivero, 2023).


The state of data culture in the Basque media

According to the results obtained, all the media use the BEHA panel created specifically for them, and some even look at the GA4 metrics. Very few have other sources of data, and these are large media with their own CMS.

Regarding the frequency of data consultation, 67.7% of respondents look at the panel monthly or less frequently, most often when they receive a monthly report (54.8%).

In terms of its use, it is often used to know the basic evolution of traffic, as well as to look at the historical ones and to know the reception of specific news. However, a pattern is identified among the multiple uses: in cases where the frequency of consultation is higher, these are deeper and the reflection around the data increases.

Three years ago, most of the media lacked tools for digital analytics, and obvious resistance was evident (Mimenza, 2023). However, significant progress has been made over the past two years. Currently, 70 media outlets receive a monthly report describing their digital activity, to which their interest and proactive attitude must be added, moving away from resistance. With the integration of postures and tools, they are learning to read panels and interpret data in the right way. There are still many media that do not have an analytical plan; however, they see the possibility of moving forward in this process and have indicated that they are reflecting on the data. That’s why they hope to develop this analytics plan next year. Therefore, the media continues to make steady progress, but they should still improve data processing.

In general, the data is looked at without a specific purpose and attention is paid to the metrics that “pay attention” to them. Metrics always respond to a goal, and thanks to the goals and strategy of the business, they serve to know if they are achieving these goals or not. When the objectives and strategy are not clear, there is no possibility to interpret the data. This lack of a clear strategy causes a blockage.

H5 [But there are so many facts... And I find them all interesting and important...]

This practice is mostly limited to analytical data. In fact, they know very well how to read information related to finances, advertising and subscription entries. The reason for this is that they have an expert on monetary matters in all their staffs, who meet more frequently and in greater depth to discuss these issues.

Regarding the trends identified by media managers, two aspects of concern are highlighted: the problem of attracting a young audience and the trend towards multimedia. What they do on social networks does not generate engagement, among other reasons, because to access the content young users have to leave the social network. In addition, the content they generate in it does not have a direct monetary return, which generates dismotivation in the work teams because they feel that the little time they have has to invest elsewhere.

H5 [But then we really don’t get any performance out of that. I mean, how that doesn"t translate into money...]

The practice of identifying trends in these cases emerges, although it is not always based on data. When the strategy or objectives are not clearly defined, decisions are usually made under the influence of intuition and impressions, rather than relying on empirical data or metrics. This methodology, marked by intuition, can lead to the formulation of strategies and actions that lack a solid and objective foundation, which can limit the effectiveness of access to the desired results.

E shall be as follows: How do you know they are the most read?

The H5 shall be: Well, Eve, it’s the sensations [laughing].


In this study, the case of Nueva offers an interesting example to learn about the practices of the largest media. However, it should be noted that the analysis is based on a sample, and it is not possible to know with certainty the concrete practices of other major media. In any case, the results of the New can be interpreted as representing the media with more resources, although more data would be necessary to complete the investigation.

In the new, monthly management meetings, along with the financial report and the marketing report, work on a hearing report. Nueva is distinguished by having a well-crafted strategic plan, designed by a consulting firm and supported by the personnel responsible for monitoring the fulfillment of the established objectives. These are divided into departments such as marketing, advertising, technology (where the person responsible for measuring audiences is located) and IT.

In terms of data collection and processing, multiple interactions are observed at different levels. Audience data at management meetings are discussed with the same importance as financial data, although it is recognized that they have no comparable value.

H3 [Economic data have another meaning.]

This data is then used as a basis for strategic decision-making. At the same time, reports are produced for all staff, and sometimes specific data are requested by some of the staff in the newsroom. In general, most Berria employees have the ability to interpret the data they receive, which shows the level of literacy in the area of data analysis within the organization.

Reasons to understand the situation

To date, only the most resource-intensive media outlets have demonstrated a high analytical capacity. The rest, on the other hand, although they are placed at different levels with respect to the analysis, differ significantly with the larger ones. The new is a means of communication with greater operational and financial capacity. Compared to other media, their size and budget are larger, but what is interesting is that they have decided to allocate part of that budget to data analysis.

The case of the new one provides valuable clues about the variables that favor the integration of data culture in a Basque communication medium. However, it is also essential to understand the other variables that slow or block this integration. For this reason, it is essential to analyze media routines that do not have an integrated data culture.


To begin with, it is important to emphasize that the attitude of the interviewees is very positive. Although some resistance to change could be expected, it is noted that they have a real interest in the use of data. Interviewees want to learn more and are interested in developing an analysis plan. In fact, they are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of collecting audience data and are mentalized to make these changes.

H5 [I have questions. Questions, questions, questions, questions... [laughs]. Being able to meditate with someone would be a luxury.]

Although not aware, the formulation of these questions is one of the first steps in the development of an analytical plan. A metaphor can be used to represent the situation: it is as if they were ready to make a race, waiting for the referee to give the signal. In this analogy, they need not only the referee that will give the signal, but also the right running shoes and some barriers that will clearly indicate the path. The successful implementation of a data culture requires appropriate guidance and resources, and must be supported in this process to help them move in the right direction and with the necessary tools.


The first variable mentioned by the interviewees is the lack of money. This variable not only influences the digital analytics plane, but also sets limits on all aspects of its activity (according to which it marks the lines of work, conditions the playing field and places obstacles to be innovative). Half of the funding of the media of the popular initiative is made through public subsidies (Observatory, 2018), which generates a perception of total dependence. They do not have private funders and do not manage to sell advertising spaces to the detriment of the greater freedom that this would give them.

In terms of coverage, up to 30% of the funding is covered by the public funds of the Basque Government and the Provincial Councils (Larrinaga, 2019). In addition to these subsidies, the local media usually knocks on the doors of the municipalities. Thus, depending on the region and the politicians, some receive more than others. Examples of this are Goiena, located in the Basque region and supported by several municipalities, and Aiaraldea, the only Basque language media in the region, which has been signed by the Amurrio City Council since 2012 and which has recently withdrawn the €6,000 grant in force (Berhokoirigoin, May 23, 2024). Therefore, about 45% of the guarantee of viability must be acquired by each medium (however, this percentage may vary significantly depending on the support of the municipalities, as explained).

Returning to the results, the interviewees criticize the attitude of the public administration, believing that its importance is not properly valued. Most of the interviewees come from the popular initiative and believe that only the media should be supported for their essential role in language policy. In short, they do not believe that there is a firm commitment on the part of the government to support the Basque media. In addition, they criticize the subsidy system, since the distribution is based on the division of the money bag. This leads to rivalries between them and fosters suspicion and distrust. However, the interviewees do not see that they can cause changes in their position as an active business, attracting private funders or advertisers that can give them greater financial freedom.

In most of the media, the working groups are very small, which means that the tasks that each employee must assume are multiple. In addition, journalists have been identified as prone to “being in the mud”. In other sectors, managers are responsible for the strategic approach and guide staff to work in the same direction. However, as we have seen in these interviews, media managers tend to focus less on strategy than they would like, as they are usually engaged in editorial, social media management, and other operational tasks. This indicates that managers cannot be equipped with sufficient responsibility and strategic focus, which negatively affects the overall direction and coherence of the media.

H1 [... we spend time in the day-to-day, in the best way: that there is actuality, ...]

Although workers assume multiple tasks, there is a marked contrast in the management of economic accounts. All working groups have an expert on administrative and management issues, which ensures that these tasks are carried out in a timely manner. We want to emphasize this: they have an expert for economic issues, but not for digital analytics.

However, it has previously been confirmed that they are not in the state of well-being necessary for strategic reflection, suffocated by the pressure of current affairs and daily work. Anyway, as a business, it should be a priority.


In the context of variables that hinder the integration of data culture, the obstacle of ignorance is clearly revealed, since they refer to tools such as GA4 as “complex to use and exploit”. They emphasize the inherent difficulty of interpreting data, expressed in statements such as “We do not have the knowledge to do this.” However, a question might arise: how would the situation change if they were given the opportunity to receive training in this regard? In some ways, they can be helped in the process of reflection for the elaboration of the analysis plan, but they cannot be carried out. Metaphorically speaking, no one can express the preferred color of another; this reflection must be done internally. As a result, leadership and the will of managers are needed to increase knowledge and develop the strategy.


Ignorance and the lack of a specific strategy are related; high, one should respond in another study in which one determines the other or in which there is a correlation and, as previously mentioned, the responsibility for the development of the strategy is not among the main priorities of the media: it seems that the short-term task prevents them from thinking about the mid-term/long-term.

Although they have access to tools and metrics to recognize web traffic, and have collected this data for a year, they have not previously been able to reflect on the objectives of the media or develop analysis plans. As a result, they are receiving standard data that might be of interest to them, but because they do not have clear objectives, they cannot interpret them correctly. Without a strategic look, the data is not very useful and can lead to confusion and infoxication.

Although we point out the need to advance in the integration of data culture, if we look at the steps taken by larger media such as Nueva or EITB, it is clear that progress is not as significant as one might expect. This underlines that the path to full integration of digital analytics in the media is still in its early stages, even for those with the greatest capabilities and resources.

The vicious circle

The previous pages have explained the variables that make it difficult to integrate the culture of data into the media routines. These variables are not isolated, in fact, they relate to each other in different ways.

First, two obstructive blocks are identified: ignorance and lack of financial resources. The lack of budget or funding has the effect that the small number of staff that can be hired will be overburdened. As a result of these overloads, employees don’t have time to prioritize and perform other activities, such as dedicating time to digital analytics. In addition, within this lack of time, the lack of prioritization of leadership positions in the need for digital analytics, data analysis and strategy for the future has a significant impact. The daily workload makes it difficult to look to the future and to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and temporary objectives in the medium term. In addition, the high dependence on public subsidies perpetuates this situation, since without other sources of funding they cannot be freed from this dependence. Attracting both potential investors and advertisers to private financing is essential, with clear improvements and more desirable products to be presented.

The combination of ignorance and funding shortages prevents in-depth reflection on future strategies. This lack of knowledge refers not only to a lack of technical skills, but also to a lack of strategic vision that will guide the use of data. Due to the lack of time and resources, this reflection is postponed indefinitely and, as a result, there is no clear strategy. Without a defined strategy, it is impossible to design an effective analysis plan. Without specific objectives and specific actions to achieve those objectives, no significant improvement will be achieved.

This situation creates a vicious circle: the inability to develop strategies and analytical plans prevents improvement and innovation in the media, which in turn makes them unattractive to potential private investors. Without private investment, they cannot diversify their sources of financing and the perception of dependence on public aid increases. This perception limits the possibility of being innovative and maintaining continuous improvement and perpetuates the situation of limited resources.


From the vicious circle to the positive spiral

The key solution for the exit from the loop can be found in the intervention of external assistance.

As seen in the case of the new one, they hired a consulting firm to develop an analysis plan and an implementation plan. This has been possible thanks to the resources available and the commitment to data analysis. However, it is clear that even if one wants to bet on the strategy, a more limited budget means that the bet is more risky and that most media do not have the necessary capacity to do so.

All the media interviewed indicated that they would like to receive external support for this type of needs, but they also indicated that they do not have the financial resources to do so. In addition, they lack the leadership and knowledge necessary to face this challenge. They generally recognize that they need help and believe that external organizations can provide them with what they lack.

H5 [This is the feeling that we are not making progress, but it is also that we need help.]

As one of the interviewees suggested, they all face similar problems, so it would be beneficial to join forces to share a computer scientist or analyst, rather than each medium having one. This is exactly the kind of help that the Observatory has begun to offer. Regarding the budgetary problem, the Observatory is a free service for the members of Hinitiative.In addition to the association, it is funded by the Department of Language and Policy, the Euroregion, the UPV/EHU and the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, among others. The observatory provides them with tools for monitoring web traffic data (and soon for tracking traffic on social networks) and supports them through different sessions and actions in the training of journalists. In this way, the Observatory could benefit from hiring a media analyst to help the media reflect on the strategic plan, guiding them in the design, implementation and interpretation of an analysis plan. In this way, they would obtain the necessary knowledge to carry out these studies and develop these strategies autonomously, thanks to the support provided.

H2 [At least then, doing something that serves to lay a foundation and moving forward with it, that might be interesting.]

Through external support, it would be possible to overcome ignorance and empower media workers. This would not only end the vicious circle, but also create a positive spiral of continuous improvement, pushing the media towards a more sustainable and strategic future in data use.




This work provides an updated diagnosis of the situation, which is useful as it focuses on the points that can be intervened to improve the situation.

It is essential to train decision makers in the media to continue advancing the integration of data culture. Only through appropriate training will they be able to develop a robust and effective data-driven strategy.

In addition, it is necessary to have a companion or organization that encourages them in this process, providing them not only with the necessary tools, but also with adequate guidance. Going back to the runner’s metaphor, it is not enough to have the right shoes, they need barriers that mark the direction of the route.

Collaboration among the media is necessary to be able to carry out larger projects together. However, in order to facilitate such cooperation, it is essential to change the perception of the call for public subsidies, which today promotes competition rather than cooperation. It should be remembered that subsidies are not the highest income of the media and yet they feel dependent on it, which limits their actions.

Finally, in addition to directly supporting the media in the integration of digital analytics, it is important to research and analyze the data obtained. This will allow the use of information to face future challenges and strengthen language policies, contributing to the positive development of the basque media.


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Lamot, Kenza and Paulussen, Steve. (2019). Six Uses of Analytics: Digital Editors’ Perceptions of audience analytics in the newsroom. Journalism Practice, 14(3), 358-373.

Larrinaga, Elixabete. (2019). “Basque Language Media and Government Grants: 1980-2020». Assisted by Libe Mimenza. The Observatory: Basque Media Yearbook 2021. From Bilbao: The UPV/EHU. (214-216).

Assisted by Lumivero (2023). Nvivo (Version 14).

Mimenza, Libe. (2023). Analytics to measure the digital environment of Basque media: diagnosis and proposal / Data analytics to measure the digital environment of Basque media: The diagnosis and proposal. [The doctoral thesis]. From Bilbao: The UPV/EHU.

Mimenza, Libe, Martinez, Ane, Burreso, Naroa and Azpillaga, Josu. (2024). “Hekimen website audiences in 2023, a leap in analytics.” Hibai Castro and Libe Mimenza. The Observatory: Basque Media Yearbook 2023-2024. From Bilbao: The UPV/EHU. (169-192).

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LAW 10/1982, of 24 November, basic for the normalization of the use of the Basque language. [Online], available at

1 This research project is carried out thanks to the support provided by the Euroregion (EURORÉGION AQUITANIE EUSKADI NAVARRE 24/01), the Vice-Ministry of Language Policy (SUBDIR24/19 and SUBDIR23/11), and the Basque Government (IT1438-22).

2 BEHA: Cross-border proposal to get to know the Basque audience: an exercise to update the digital measurement of the Basque communication space. The financing institutions: Eurorégion Nouvelle-Aquitaine Euskadi Navarre and Hinitiative-

3 BEHA 2.0: Composition and digital literacy of the joint traffic measurement panel on Basque media websites. The financing institutions: Eurorégion Nouvelle-Aquitaine Euskadi Navarre and Hinitiative-

4 At the moment, the Datutegia is trying to obtain updated data and rewrite them, as the subsidy system has changed significantly in recent years.